Collagen Therapy at Maples Bridgend

Medical Micro Needling Pen is also known as collagen induction therapy (C.I.T.) or Dermapen. The pen moves across the skin, needling the skin to stimulate collage and elastin production.

This damage€¯ to the dermis encourages the body to produce more new collagen and elastin which generate new skin cells to literally repair€¯ itself, thus the skin becomes thicker, plumper and more youthful.

The channels made from the micro-needles allow topical gels and creams to be absorbed more effectively through the top layer of skin. We would usually spread vitamins in a gel over the skin. The vitamins will be punched into the skin during the treatment.

Your skin will appear to be visibly healed after 24-48 hours but the healing process is continuously happening beneath the surface for several months. This natural healing process is what makes the treatment so effective.

After a few months, this new collagen will start to shorten. This leads to the slow tightening of the skin. Over time this healing process will lead to the formation of a thick layer of collagen, healthy elastin and improved blood flow at the initial injury site.

  • The surface of the skin (epidermis) remains intact so the risks are very minimal, skin heals very quickly and there is minimal downtime.
  • The needling does not damage the skin but rather leads to thicker, healthier skin.

Medical Micro Needling Pen for the Face

Medical Micro Needling is designed to treat various skin conditions such as fine lines and wrinkles,,scarring from acne and photo damage,improves skin colour and other skin texture changes.

  • Smoothing out and treatment of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Smoothing out of scars, e.g. reduction of scars caused by acne.
  • Increasing firmness and elasticity of skin when the skin has lost laxity.
  • Rejuvenation of the skin when it has lost lustre and radiance.

Most people will begin to see improvement the day after their first treatment. However, a series of treatments is required to produce enough collagen and elastin to retain those benefits.

Medical Micro Needling Pen for the Body

Stretch Marks“ Stretch mark treatment is just one of the countless benefits associated with using Micro-needling. Stretch marks come about when the skin is forced to stretch rapidly. The surface layer of skin isn’t affected, but the dermis underneath becomes thinner and develops tiny tears. The blood vessels that lie under the skin show through, giving the stretch marks a reddish colour. Later, when the blood vessels contract, the purplish colour fades to a paler skin tone.

The process of reducing stretch marks or treating stretch marks occurs as the pen causes the production of new elastin and collagen fibers in the skin. The stretch marks gradually fill in, the skin grows thicker, becomes tighter, and the elasticity is restored. The speed at which stretch marks reduction can be achieved varies depending on the severity of the stretch marks, but visible changes can be detected in as little as a week with dramatic results in a month or less.

Simple to use the pen is glided over the skin and microscopic channels are lightly stamped into the skins matrix stimulating a wound healing response with intense renewal repair and rejuvenation. Natural growth factors are released to stimulate reformation and deposition of fresh, restricting collagen. The rollers (left) was the original way of micro needling but things have moved on. On the right we see the Dermapen. The Dermapen punches vertical holes at a very high speed. The rollers could cause little tears as the needle comes in at an angle and leaves at a different angle. The Dermapen almost has no bleeding and some patients can even have the treatment without topical numbing.


Collagen Treatment at Maples Bridgend

Price:       on Consultation

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09:00 - 17:00